Sunday, March 29, 2009


Last Saturday we got to see Rachel and Sarah perform in "Fiddler on the Roof. Their elementary school put on the wonderful production. Rachel had one of the lead parts performing as Hodel. Sarah was a dancer. We loved the show. Here are few photos and videos of the musical. I don't have a video camera, but I can take videos on my digital camera. The quality isn't the best, but it is the best that I have. Rachel started to sing the song Matchmaker before I could get the camera in the video mode. Sorry my hand was shaky. I missed the first part of her solo. She has a lovely voice. It was impressive that an elementary school has so much talent.

(Rachel is in the green blouse.)

Sarah is the dancer with the brown blouse.


Christina said...

Wow, that looks like it was quite the production! I am sad that we missed it. We were in the air, during the show. They did a great job. I am glad you shared.

Angela said...

The girls did a great job. How fun that their elementary school has such a great program!

amelia and crew said...

Elementary production of Fiddler? I'm so impressed!

Nicole said...

Very impressive. They looked so cute and Rachel sounded so great!

Abbigail said...

How cute! I can't belive how big they both are, acting in plays and all!

MarilynG said...

Cute pictures--what a wonderful experience for them to have.